Getting Personal With: Mira Lou

We’re taking bespoke to new places, in an exciting collaboration with young up-and-coming Berlin artist, Mira Lou. Her line drawings are well-loved on Instagram and Etsy and now, a range of bespoke illustrations by Mira, commissioned exclusively for Beysis, are available to you.
As a self-taught photographer, retoucher and artist, Mira’s designs are incredibly distinctive. Here, we speak to the woman behind the illustrations… meet Mira Lou.
Tell us a little about yourself.
I was born in Berlin 21 years ago and have been living here ever since. I love the possibilities of living in a big city like Berlin, with so many different people and cultures.
I’m currently studying Communication Design at university to expand my skills and I love to work in different media and change my style to keep evolving.
Sustainability and veganism are very important for me and I try to incorporate this into my art more and more. A collaboration with Beysis was a perfect fit!
How did you get into illustrating?
I started drawing as a young child and came back to it more recently, digitally. Because of this, I can say that I’m entirely self-taught. I’m constantly learning, and I love the possibilities that come with digital software and equipment. Even though I admire artists that work mostly analog, I have to say that I prefer working digitally. I feel much more flexible and in control working this way.
Did you always know you wanted to be an artist?
Yes! At least I always knew I wanted to do something creative. For a long time, photography, mainly portrait photography, was my main focus but that has recently changed to illustration. I started illustrating again in my free time, and I’m very lucky that demand for my work has allowed me to turn this into a career. I love illustrating as a freelancer, but I’m excited for the future and my career after my studies at university as well.
Where does your inspiration come from?
While I can find inspiration almost anywhere, if I really think about it, I’d say that most of my inspiration comes from photography. I like to use my own photos as a reference to draw from, but I also get inspired a lot over Instagram and from other platforms like Pinterest. I know, it’s so cliché! But I love to see other artists’ work and the exchange of inspiration over the Internet is something I really appreciate.
That being said, my everyday life also has a lot of influence on my art. I really like the beauty and simplicity of a situation that is trivial and common to most people. But sometimes I also like to create more dreamy and surreal scenes.
For me, visual arts are a way to express myself and my emotions without words. I think (and, I hope) that my feelings and my mood are reflected a lot in my illustrations.
If we were to spend a day with Mira; where would be go, what would we eat, what type of music would we listen to?
During summer in Berlin I love to go to a park like the Tempelhofer Feld. I would pack some vegan snacks and take a book with me to just enjoy the sun and the fresh air. Because I mostly work inside, it is important for me to catch a break! My favourite food will always be asian food as it is often already vegan, very fresh and healthy and it never gets boring for me! My taste in music does not really fit into a genre. I like to hear a bit of everything.
What’s the best piece of advise you’ve ever received?
That it is okay to take a break. If you do not take the time to take care of yourself, you will never be able to give your best.
Social Media. Love it? Hate it? Can we find you on it?
I love the possibilities that Social Media offers. I post a lot of my personal work on my Instagram account, @miraalou. As an artist it is a great way to connect to people and share my art with them. I also love the support and feedback I get from others!
We’re hooked, and we know you will be too. When choosing your next compact mirror, lip gloss or candle, just add one of Mira’s gorgeous illustrations to customise your item. No matter your style or personality, you’re sure to find the perfect design.
Our Mira Lou collection is the perfect, custom gift idea for the ones you love. Or, just keep them for yourself! We won’t tell.